Topic: College Students

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Shows a young college student at Northwestern walking out of class. Represents how online therapist in chicago, il can support overthinking young adults with therapy for college students in chicago, il.
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Why is Overthinking so Common? And How to Stop It

It is not uncommon for people to find themselves overthinking. You're trying to study for exams at Northwestern University, but your mind keeps wandering to the future, wondering about the uncertainties and possibilities. Or perhaps you're replaying…
Shows a college student feeling overwhelmed from overthinking. Represents how therapy for college students in chicago, il and an online therapist in chicago, il can help you stop overthinking.
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Am I An Overthinker? Signs of Being an Overthinker

Overthinking is a pattern many of us fall into from time to time. It's that constant replaying of scenarios in your mind. Where you analyze every detail until it feels overwhelming. It's important to understand that overthinking and being an…
A group of college students working together. Are you a college student trying to get past your depression? It might be time to seek out treatment for depression in Evanston, IL. Speak with a depression therapist today!

The Pressure of Purple: Treatment for Depression and Therapy Insights for Northwestern Students

Northwestern University fosters academic excellence and intellectual growth. Yet, beneath the shiny surface of vibrant campus life, many Wildcats grapple with a common foe – depression. The pressure to get good grades, the uncertainty of the…
A group of young adults walking on a trail together. Want to navigate life transitions in Evanston, IL after graduating college? Speak with a therapist for college students to learn how therapy for college students in IL can help!

Life After College: Navigating Life Transitions for Northwestern Graduates & Students

You did it! At Northwestern, you pulled all-nighters, survived crazy roommates and nutty professors, and…you graduated! Way to go, Wildcat! But you might be asking yourself, “Now what?” Post-college life transitions can be puzzling. At…
A college man is stressed while sitting in front of his laptop. Are you struggling adjusting to college life? Counseling for college students in Evanston, IL can help. Contact a therapist for college students in Illinois to learn more today!

Counseling for College Students: How Much Do You Really Need It?

Everyone has a little difficulty getting adjusted to college life, right? And graduate school could be just a little more intense than you had ever imagined. But do you really need to have therapy as a college student? Let’s take a look at why ongoing therapy for college students could boost your mood, lessen your anxiety and help you to have the success you’re looking for.

A person lays down with a book on their face. Tired of your anxiety stopping you from succeeding in college? Therapy for anxiety could be for you. Call today to speak with an anxiety therapist!

Help! How can I Manage College Anxiety and Panic? Tips from an Evanston Anxiety Therapist

You knew that college life would be tough. But you didn’t know it would kick in week two of the first quarter! How could you possibly already have exams and papers due? You’ve begun to live your life in a constant state of panic. Our Evanston therapists can help you get a handle on the anxiety and panic before you burn out your mental health..

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Life Transitions: From Anxiety to Harmony

Have you heard the saying that the only thing constant is change? Life is always moving and shifting. Summer can be a season of transition and change. You might be moving on from life as a college student to full on adulting with a full-time…

Evanston Therapy: Am I just sad or depressed? How to cope with college depression

If you came in to see one of our Evanston therapists or had a telehealth appointment, we might suspect you were dealing with depression if lately, you’ve just felt off. You don’t want to go anywhere or do anything. Your friends check on you to make sure you are doing okay. You’d rather just stay in and not do anything. If your friends convince you to hang out with them, you never really have a good time.


Evanston Therapy: My body flaws are taking over my life! Is it Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

You know that body positivity is the trend these days. Messages about loving every part of your body, no matter the shape, color, or size, are everywhere on social media. But somehow, you just can’t get past your flaws. Our Evanston therapists understand where you are coming from. We’re ready to chat with you about how you feel.


Evanston Therapy – Mental Health Habits for College Students: 5 Tips to Keep you Happy

When you step onto Northwestern’s campus this fall, you’ll step into a world of changes: new friends, new classes, new profs, or new living situations. At Evanston Counseling, we want to support you. Our therapists are here to help you set healthy habits. Who doesn’t want to feel happier this school year?