Coping With Empty Nest Syndrome: Therapy and Support for Empty Nesters in Evanston, IL
Compassionate Counseling for moms or dads coping with empty nest syndrome
Compassionate Counseling for moms or dads coping with empty nest syndrome
Your children have all ventured out to lead the independent lives you’ve prepared them for. And, of course, you’ve been genuinely happy for each of your kiddos as they’ve started college, got married, or moved to pursue an exciting career.
You even thought you might enjoy the freedom, but now your life feels as empty as your nest. You miss all the laughter, tears, petty squabbles, hectic schedules, and cluttered countertops. And you long for the chaotic hustle-bustle that once filled your home.
Sadness and loneliness are natural emotional responses when your adult children leave home. However, this transitional period can be marked by intense feelings of sadness, loss of purpose, or anxiety as you adjust to the change.
Experiencing difficult emotions during this transition is normal and healthy. However, if the intensity or duration of those feelings becomes overwhelming, the caring therapists at Evanston Counseling can help.
Most parents go through an adjustment period when their children leave home. It’s normal to find yourself a little lost and lonely in a house that has become too quiet.
But some may feel the loss more acutely than others. Studies show that 28% of parents in an empty nest experience empty nest syndrome.
Every parent’s experience as an empty nester is unique; there is no right or wrong reason to feel like you do. Feeling healthy, happy, and valued in your new situation is the only important thing.
Evanston Counseling therapists can help you find joy and purpose when faced with the emptiness of your empty nest.
You’ve spent years caring for your children, keeping them safe, being there for them, and helping them grow and mature. They’ve been your primary responsibility for nearly two decades. Having healthy, happy children filled with potential makes you proud and brings you great joy.
We all need this kind of purpose and fulfillment—especially after our children are off living their own lives.
The anxiety and sadness you feel right now can be a catalyst for rediscovering yourself and finding purpose beyond your role as a parent. These a just a few ways to find new purpose and fulfillment in this next chapter of your life:
Through therapy, you can begin to let go of the idea that your importance and self-worth are tied directly to satisfying your children’s needs. You’ll learn to welcome this new stage in your life as an opportunity to focus on yourself and be whoever you want to be.
Learn how therapy and counseling can help you make your life in an empty nest more rewarding and fulfilling. Book a free 15-minute consultation today.