A group of college students working together. Are you a college student trying to get past your depression? It might be time to seek out treatment for depression in Evanston, IL. Speak with a depression therapist today!

The Pressure of Purple: Treatment for Depression and Therapy Insights for Northwestern Students

Northwestern University fosters academic excellence and intellectual growth. Yet, beneath the shiny surface of vibrant campus life, many Wildcats grapple with a common foe – depression. The pressure to get good grades, the uncertainty of the…

Lonely, Sad, Depressed Most of the Time? It’s called Persistent Depressive Disorder

Perhaps you’ve struggled with depression in the past. You’ve thought of going to see someone, but you have stretches where life really isn’t that bad. Did you know that there is a milder form of depression that endures over time? It's called Persistent Depressive Disorder or Dysthymia.  It comes with sadness, directly impacts your life, and might cause you to lose pleasure in normally enjoyable activities.

Treatment for PMS and PMDD: How to Deal with Depression During My Period

Is the depression from the PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) and PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) that serious? Well, maybe. Our therapists at Evanston Counseling specialize in treatment of PMS and PMS Depression, also known as PMDD. We’ll help you to find ways of dealing with the dark days of depression associated with your period.

Are You Suffering from Minor Blues or Major Depression: How to tell the difference

We all pass through difficult moments or maybe even difficult weeks or months. Life seems just a little too heavy to bear. But at what point should you be concerned and start to call what you are feeling depression? When would it be best to contact us at Evanston Counseling to speak with one of our compassionate therapists? Read on to find out more.

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Do You Do a Deep Dive into Depression as Winter moves in?

Have you noticed how your mood starts to shift downward into depression as the fall and winter approach? The more cold, dark, and gray the days become, the more you can feel a heaviness set in over your thoughts or in your body. At Evanston Counseling, we get that! If you see your moods shifting at this time, you may want to look into therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder.


Evanston Therapy: Am I just sad or depressed? How to cope with college depression

If you came in to see one of our Evanston therapists or had a telehealth appointment, we might suspect you were dealing with depression if lately, you’ve just felt off. You don’t want to go anywhere or do anything. Your friends check on you to make sure you are doing okay. You’d rather just stay in and not do anything. If your friends convince you to hang out with them, you never really have a good time.