Tag Archive for: social connections
Evanston Therapy – Mental Health Habits for College Students: 5 Tips to Keep you Happy
When you step onto Northwestern’s campus this fall, you’ll step into a world of changes: new friends, new classes, new profs, or new living situations. At Evanston Counseling, we want to support you. Our therapists are here to help you set healthy habits. Who doesn’t want to feel happier this school year?
Secure, healthy love, do you want to build it? 6 Relationship Counseling Tips to improve communication and connection
When you enter a relationship or get married, you have expectations for your new life. Inevitably, reality can be less than ideal, and those expectations might go unmet. In our Chicago and Evanston counseling practices, we help women who want to understand and change their relationships . We have compiled some habits of healthy couples to inspire you.
How to make meaningful friendships Kick anxiety to the curb
If you are a millennial feeling the weight of loneliness, you are not alone. Data from a 2019 poll by YouGov, a polling firm and market research company, say that millennials have the highest percentage of loneliness of all the generations surveyed. So, how do you reduce the anxiety and make new friends at this time in your life? As therapists in Evanston and Chicago, we often work with young adults navigating the new waters of “adulting.”
How to Navigate the Emotional Empty Nest, Grieve and Move Forward to Fulfillment
Your last child has left home to go to college, pursue a burning interest, or find their way in the world. Your relationship with your children has, in part, defined who you are. How will you restructure your identity after the empty nest? In our Evanston/Chicago-area counseling practice, we help empty-nesting women discover their priorities, reestablish social connections with their friends, and ignite relationships with their partners.
The Power of Pets, Can They Really Lower Your Anxiety?
Science backs up what we already know to be true for us: our pets make us better people in so many ways.
“I feel lonely and anxious.” Social isolation, is it hurting me?
Loneliness may be affecting you in ways that you never imagined. It can affect our health as negatively as obesity or smoking.