Tag Archive for: Counseling FAQ’s
Evanston Therapy – Want to Take the “Scary” Out of Finding a Therapist in Evanston? Ask These 6 Questions
You really want to find a therapist. Life just feels too heavy. Finding a therapist is almost as scary and as fun as going on a blind date. How do you find a therapist in Evanston? There are so many therapists in the Chicago area. How do you know which one will truly understand you and be able to help you? We’ve got you covered and are here to help. Here are a few questions to ask to make finding an excellent therapist in Evanston a little easier.
7 Helpful Hacks for Claiming your Out-of-Network Counseling Benefits
Finding a good therapist can be more challenging than finding a pair of perfect-fitting jeans! (If you’d like a few tips, take a look at the article we posted here about choosing a therapist in Evanston.) Once you’ve made the courageous decision to reach out to an anxiety counselor and have found someone who gets you, you don’t want your insurance benefits to be a roadblock. To make the insurance process easier than ordering your favorite latte, we have 7 helpful hacks for you.
3 Quick Tips for Finding an Evanston Therapist (Yes, it can be that easy!)
With all of the people and activities in the Evanston/Chicagoland area, it's still easy to feel lonely in a crowd. How do you find a counselor/therapist in Evanston who can help you manage the anxiety of meeting new people or transitioning through a major life event? In our practice in the Evanston/greater Chicago area, we are here to walk beside you.
10 Questions to Ask When Looking for an Evanston Therapist
It can be anxiety provoking to call a new therapist to schedule a first appointment. Asking for help is difficult and sharing details with a stranger about your life and what is making you unhappy is even more difficult. I want to congratulate you for making the decision to get the support you need.